DEMARIGNY Yann is associate professor in microbiology, food microbiology. His research deals with microbiology, food microbiology, food and dairy technology, sensory analysis.
DEMARIGNY Yann is associate professor in microbiology, food microbiology. His research deals with microbiology, food microbiology, food and dairy technology, sensory analysis.
Madeline teaches the systemic approach in livestock production, focusing on the links between livestock systems, environment and health. Her research aims at developing innovative and low-input livestock systems, by studying mountain grazing systems, permanent grasslands, ecosystemic services, interactions between animal and grass, local breeds and product’s quality.
Anaïs ØSTERGAARD is an animal science lecturer. She teaches animal nutrition and animal genetics. She is also head of the second year of ISARA-Lyon’s engineering (5 year) course.
Soraya ROUIFED is associate professor in ecology. Her research deals with ecology of invasive plants, interactions between plants, and management of invaded ecosystems (riparian ecosystems and ponds).
Caroline BRAND is associate professor in geography. Her teaching and research is focused on innovations and transition of the local food system organization and on the construction and governance of the local food strategies. She belongs to the Urban Food Planning community and is member of the board of the euroepan AESOP « sustainable food planning »
Perrine VANDENBROUCKE is assistant professor for Georgraphy at ISARA. Her research deals with governance and transition of farm systems, territories and food systems with a focus on urban agriculture.
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Robin COLLOMBET is lecturer/assistant professor on livestock production systems at ISARA-Lyon. His research deals with the agroecological transition of livestock farming systems through participatory and game based approaches.
Aurélie FERRER is Associate Professor in Agroecology and entomology. Her research deals with interaction plants/phytophagous insects/predatory insects, biological control and pest management plans, life-history traits evolution in insects. She is the coordinator of the Summer School curriculum.
Alexander WEZEL is associated professor for Agroecology and Landscape Ecology at ISARA-Lyon and the coordinator of the MSc Agroecology. His research deals with management of agroecosystems (biodiversity, drinking water, natural resources) and the analysis of the different interpretations of agroecology in the world.
Sigolène VERNERET is an International Relation Officer. She is in charge of cultural aspects of the program.