What is the IPL International Summer School ?

 We would like to thank the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region for their financial support which contribute greatly to the success of this program.


“When I arrives 5 weeks ago, I didn't imagine I was going to enjoy this program so much! I met great people with a variety of personalities, ate good food (drank a lot of wine) and visited some of the most beautiful places on earth while learning French. I have had an amazing time and this is a summer I will not forget. Thank you IPL Summer school.
Kytzia A.
This summer school offered me the opportunity to to travel abroad to a country that I have always wanted to go to! I have enjoyed meeting people from all around the world. The instructional time has been great, we did a lot of hands on work, everyday we were engaged, making something which is really fun. It was a great cultural experience !
Jonh G.
“Those 5 weeks were so much fun, I got to meet so many different people from all around the world. I came in with very very little knowledge of French and I think I have learned a lot. ”
Gabriel O.

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